The healthcare sector operates like no other, and so we have recognised the need for its own distinct set of financial and accountancy services.
Specialist healthcare accountants at RMT offer healthcare professionals advice and guidance that is tailored to the unique monetary and legislative environment in which healthcare industry workers live.
They can help you make the most professionally, personally and financially of the opportunities and challenges you face.
Our healthcare accountancy specialists are vastly knowledgeable in how practices operate, the pressures they face and the dynamics of doctor’s earnings.
Personal financial planning
Areas we can help you with include residential and surgery mortgages, income protection (including locum cover), investments and savings, planning for retirement, NHS pensions and superannuation and estate planning.
Services are run on a fixed fee basis and cover everything from helping with partnership agreements to resolving disputes.
Key Contacts
Maxine Pott
Director of Corporate Finance & Healthcare Group
0191 256 9500
Richard Humphreys
Director of Healthcare Group
0191 256 9500