Working alongside our Corporate Finance team, we have the expertise and experience to provide advice from business start up, through to fundraising for expansion, corporate acquisitions and ultimately a successful sale or exit from the business.
Our team specialises in corporation tax compliance and advisory issues for companies ranging from small owner managed businesses to large UK and international groups of companies.
We have particular expertise in structuring shareholder ownership to maximise Entrepreneur’s Relief and advising companies and shareholders on M&A transactions, including refinancing, disposals and management buy outs.
Our corporate tax team will work closely with our corporate finance specialists along with our accounting and recovery colleagues to ensure all tax aspects are fully explored and work in your favour.
We can provide advice on a range of tax issues in respect of structuring and transactions such as:
Management buy outs (“MBOs”)
There may come a time when you decide to sell the business to your management team. Working with our corporate finance team, we will review the best structure for selling the business in order to maximise value for your exit but retain the day to day operations of the business.
Mergers and acquisitions
If your business is expanding, there may be a time when organic growth is no longer enough and it is time to snap up a smaller company, merge with a competitor or buy a larger rival.
As our Corporate Finance Team assist you in identifying potential targets, our Corporate Tax Team will assist in undertaking the detailed due diligence required to ensure the target is viable and the right fit for your growth strategy.
We will be with you every step of the way, providing key insight and input into the formal legal documents until completion date arrives.
Selling your business is one of the most difficult and daunting decisions to make. Our Corporate Tax Team will assist our Corporate Finance colleagues to prime the business for sale ensuring the company’s corporate tax affairs are up to date and value and reliefs are being maximised.
We will review the structure of the proposed deal in order to maximise your post tax proceeds and we will assist you in providing responses to the potential purchaser’s due diligence queries in a timely manner to streamline the disposal process as well as review and comment on the legal documentation to ensure it is not detrimental to you or your business once it is ultimately sold.
As your business grows and develops, the structure you began with may no longer be fit for purpose and a reorganisation of the business may be necessary to protect the business and to ensure it is best placed to take account of current legislative and tax rules.
Our Corporate Tax Team will review your current structure and your future plans and advise you on the best structure from a tax point of view. We will also liaise with your lawyers and other key third parties to ensure the structure works not only from a tax point of view but also from a commercial point of view.
Tax clearances
HMRC provides a variety of formal and informal tax clearance services allowing a business to get a definitive response from HMRC surrounding potential reorganisations of a business.
RMT’s Corporate Tax Team has significant experience of drafting, submitting and receiving agreed tax clearances from HMRC’s specialist departments allowing clarity in advance of decisions and actions being taken which can have a significant impact on your business strategy.
Key Contacts

Anthony Andreasen
0191 256 9500

Rachel Warriner
Associate Director & Head of Corporate Tax
0191 256 9500